Management Accounting Training

This 3-day training covers the role of a management accountant in preparing management reports, company budgets, variances and your ability to transfer your personality into your reports. Management reports will be prepared from trial balance information exported from a computerised software into Excel and management reports prepared from raw data.

This management accounting training elicits your ability to be creative in presenting financial reports to the Board of Directors in a simplified way to the understanding of non-financial Directors.

You will be dealing with various types and methods of preparing budgets, computing variances and raising investigations with budget holders on variances, their occurrences and steps to put in place to avoid such occurrences from recurring.

Ideal for individuals at any level who want a better insight into management accounts, how to read, interpret and present accounts.

The cost of the training is £300. £100 deposit is required to secure your place and the balance is payable on the first day of the training.

Dates available
20th to 22nd December 2011
7th to 9th March 2012
1st to 3rd May 2012
27th to 29th June 2012
1st to 3rd August 2012
22nd to 24th October 2012
13th to 15th December 2012

For more information, please call 020 7252 9331 or e-mail The trainings are delivered by The Training Place of Excellence Limited.

Other trainings we offer: Accounting Work Experience/Sage Line 50 Training, Sage Payroll training, MS Excel training.

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